M. B., San Francisco

I’ve spent 25 years in therapy — lived in ashrams in India — taken years of energy healing classes —and have seen myriad healers. Through a seemingly circuitous series of events — I finally met Maria.

After a few sessions — in her exquisitely sweet manner — she told me that I had done a lot of spiritual work — but none of it had translated into my life. During the same session — Maria reached a place that had never been touched during all those years of searching.

I thought I would feel an enormous sense of pain and loss finally confronting the realities that so many years of therapy and spiritual devotion had not uncovered. However, I felt an enormous sense of freedom — a dramatic decrease in anxiety — and many intractable problems in my life started to “mysteriously” resolve.

Physically, a bunch of bulging discs spontaneously started to heal. The related pain, debilitating muscle knots and migraines all dramatically improved – to the point I stopped taking muscle relaxers and resumed weight lifting. This was after a year of epidural injections, trigger point injections, acupuncture and various other time-consuming and expensive treatments that had only provided temporary and limited relief.

When I reported this back to Maria — she softly laughed and said when you are ready – the right teacher shows up. A saint once said that if you take one step towards God — God will take ten steps towards you. All those years of work were my one step towards God — and Maria was God’s answer — who brought ten Divine steps towards me. Hopefully, Maria can become an angelic miracle in your life — as she has in mine.

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